CBIZ Gibraltar Insights And Resources

Making the Invisible Visible – Easing Clean Air Concerns and Driving Employee Performance

As companies return to the office, health and wellness is of the upmost importance. Of course, they always have been key considerations in the real estate selection, office planning, design, and construction process, but the spread of COVID-19 has increased emphases on things like distancing and office layout, contactless building entry, cleaning and sanitization practices — and last by not least, air quality.

In fact, air filtration has become a major topic of conversation with growing awareness and availability of technologies that help remove and minimize contaminants and virus-spreading droplets from the atmosphere. While new research shows virus prevention can help ease employees’ minds and keep them focused on work, the link between air quality and productivity have long been considerations of workplace planning, office design, and building architecture.

Work Design Magazine reported that after cleaning indoor air, employers have seen workplace productivity increase by up to 11 percent. The article notes many other pre-pandemic studies, including one from the Harvard School of Public Health that found that workers in well-ventilated offices with low levels of pollutants have double the cognitive function of those in offices with average levels of exactly the same pollutants.

So, how can companies ensure healthier, comfortable, and more productive environments as buildings become more complex and health challenges evolve and vary across individual offices?

We can tell you the answer comes from Workplace Solutions. More specially, it’s derived from thoughtful design and space planning combine with air cleaning technologies, thermal control, and active systems — from advanced HVAC systems and air quality monitors to simple features, like high ceilings and operating windows, fans, and even indoor plants — all of which can which can lower utility costs. For example:

  • Expanded thermostats that display particulate matter, organic compounds, and CO2  along with temperature and humidity can read real-time air quality and help control the environment, with many being capable of suggesting when to use an air purifiers.
  • System that can proactively reduce pathogens across indoor spaces, like ActivePure’s Proactive Pathogen Defense work by creating oxidizing molecules that significantly reduces viruses, bacteria, odors, and volatile organic compounds.
  • Adding air-cleaning plants can also be surprisingly effective. Cited in the Workplace Design Magazine article, a study by NASA confirms the air-cleaning powers of 29 different indoor plants, including Dracaena (Corn Plants), Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily), and all palms.

These are just three of thousands of systems that are easily implemented. But, staying on top of commercial property trends and office air quality is growing in complexity. It’s a job for real estate professionals and building experts.

CBIZ Gibraltar’s Workplace Solutions approach is applied to both relocation and renewal scenarios, designed to minimize business disruption and maximize efficiency.

Our experts orchestrate all aspects of your project including the design, contractor bidding process, construction, furniture, building system needs, and other related aspects to follow through on the physical move or renovation.

Our team is committed to implementing environments that enhance workplace productivity and wellbeing, with workplace wellness metrics that provide timely and accurate information to support our clients’ goals.

As the leading provider of integrated real estate services with a 100% commitment to advocating the interests and needs of tenants, CBIZ Gibraltar understands that no two companies are alike and works to deliver the best possible solutions for our clients. Together, we uncover the potential of your work environment, maximize human capital and map the path to critical business success.